Dragomir Doberman Puppy Application

Your Name:

First Name:
Last Name:

Your Address:

Town / City:
State / Province:
Zip / Postal Code:

Contact Information:

Primary Phone:
Secondary Phone:
Email Address:


Other Details:

Describe yourself and your lifestyle:

Why do you want a puppy:

 What sex?
Why male or female:

What are your plans with the puppy?

Please explain your plans with the puppy:

Have you ever owned a dog before?

Have you ever owned a Doberman(s) before?

Still Own your Doberman?

If not, how did your Doberman(s) die? Ages?

Do you have any current pets?

Please describe all your pets: (Types, Ages, Male / Female)

Are your animales all Spayed / Neutered?

If not, why not:

How far will you travel to get your puppy?

What is your timeframe for a new puppy?

List all members of your household, sex, relationship and ages:

How much time will the puppy be alone per day?

Where will the puppy stay while you are away from the home?

Where will the puppy sleep at night?

Do you have a fenced in yard?

If you don't have a fence, will you provide one BEFORE your puppy comes home?

NOTE: No Fence, No Puppy, No Exceptions!

Describe your fenced in yard: (Type of fence, height, size of yard):


Current or prior Veterinarian Name:
Town / City:
State / Province:
Zip / Postal Code:
Phone Number:


Second Reference Name:
Town / City:
State / Province:
Zip / Postal Code:
Phone Number:

Please tell us any additional information you would like about yourself: